Happy Couple Match - terms and conditions
1. |
General..... These terms and conditions may change from time to time. Members and visitors to the site should review these details and keep themselves informed of future changes. |
2. |
These terms and conditions are used to form an agreement between HappyCoupleMatch.co.uk ("the agency", "we", "us" or "our") and someone using or purchasing one of the services. ("member, "you" or "your") |
3. |
Definitions..... The following are additional definitions used within these terms and conditions. "Visitor(s)" means anyone using the site. "The applicant" refers to a person applying for our services. "Member" is an applicant who has applied for and been accepted to our matchmaking services program. "The service" describes any of the services offered by HappyCoupleMatch.co.uk as described on the web site. "membership" refers to the period of membership for matchmaking or dating services. "Application form" refers to the form on the web site (or sent electronically) which the applicant has completed. "The contract" refers to an agreement between us and you which are detailed in these terms and conditions. "The web site" is the HappyCoupleMatch.co.uk web site or an authorised domain which holds an identical copy of the web site. |
4. |
Agreement..... By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you are in addition confirming that you have not been convicted of any crime which has caused physical and/or psychological harm or injury to another person. You also confirm that you are over the age of 21. |
5. | Registering your basic contact details on the site using the on-site registration process will allow browsing of the galleries for free. |
6. |
Paid services are available in the form of a 'Personal Tour membership' or 'VIP membership' or from time to time, 'Group Tours'. A 'Personal Tour membership' or 'VIP membership' option will involve the completion of an 'Agreement' (or contract), which will be sent electronically as a sample for potential members to view before they commit to any paid services. Full details of these sample contracts are available on request. In any event no services are offered or payment accepted until the 'contract has been signed by both agency and potential member. Any detail concerning a group tour will be issued prior to the tour taking place and will be based on a published Itinerary. |
7. | Your signed 'Agreement' when returned is deemed to be an offer by you to purchase the services offered by us in accordance with those agreements and also these terms and conditions. The contract between us and you shall become binding upon receipt of your payment for membership. Notwithstanding that you fall within the definition of a 'consumer' as defined in the consumer protection (distance selling) regulations 2000. After your initial 7 day ‘cooling off’ period, no refund will be considered. If you commence to accept our introductions and or interact with the services purchased from the web site, then you have agreed to waive your rights to any refund under the regulations. |
8. |
If a paid membership option is taken, the member will then be required to complete an application form, (online, sent or completed over the phone). This is a document in the form of a questionairre that is used to complete a profile that is used for circulation purposes or online as agreed with each party concerned. The completion of the 'Application Form' is also confirmation that you have read the privacy policy and terms and conditions of membership and that you understand and agree to the services offered and that these services are in accordance with your requirements. Acceptance of the terms and conditions grants you the right to visit, read and interact with this website. |
9. |
Proof of identity and address (e.g. copy of driving license or passport), plus a copy of a utility bill showing your home address will be required before any physical introductions are made. |
10. |
The Agency does not sell or provide the personal contact details of any member to any other member. Any communication between members via the web-site is managed solely by the administrator of the website and is intended for personal safety and confidentiality reasons. The Agency is only intended to facilitate personal meetings between male members and female members using one of the offered services. |
11. |
Correspondence between members.... Use of our services that involves communicating between members by the Agencies email system is done so on the understanding that no personal contact details are passed on, (e-mail address, telephone number, VOIP system name, home address, etc.). This is to ensure that all members have been assessed for suitability and is intended for safety reasons. It is intended that personal details should only be made available AFTER any personal introductions have been made and is of course reliant on the permissions having been given by both parties. The Agency reserves the right to identify if any personal contact details have been passed between members using its e-mail service and to remove those personal contact details if found. |
12. |
It is the responsibility of any member to take advice from us regarding personal safety, as we cannot be held responsible for our members actions nor any accident arising from an introduction. |
13. |
For your discretion and the efficiency of the Agency. Contact from us will be kept to a minimum. However, our offices are manned 7 days a week (excluding bank holidays) and members are welcome to contact us at any time. |
14. |
The Agency advises clients prior to joining, that members are selective in their choice of partner. All our members will have access to view the published profiles of all the members of the opposite sex. |
15. |
In the event of a complaint we will ensure that immediate action is taken to achieve a fair and just settlement. Any complaints should be sent in writing to our client liaison manager. |
16. |
The Agency reserves the right to refuse membership of anyone whom it reasonably considers to be unsuitable. |
17. |
All information supplied to us will be treated in the strictest confidence. All personal details are protected by the data protection act 1998 and only those details which we deem to be suitable and appropriate will be given to other members selected by us as being suitable matches, based on the requirements of both parties. |
18. |
All information including photographs, supplied to us by you is warranted by you to be accurate, with no relevant information withheld. We reserve the right to withdraw membership, without refund of fees, from any member who knowingly provides false or misleading information. We cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in respect of information supplied by third parties. In addition, by submitting the application form, The applicant wishes to apply for membership of the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk services.The applicant assigns to HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk all copyright of the applicants profile and photographs in connection with the applicants use of the service. Unless indicated otherwise on the application form, the applicant agrees that all information provided on the application form (excluding the contact details) and any photos provided, will be used to create a profile, which can be viewed by other members. |
19. |
All information provided by the applicant is covered by our privacy policy, which is displayed on the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk web site. The Agency will take all necessary steps in keeping any personal information secure by use of secure servers. However, the applicant accepts responsibility for all information entered about themselves on the application form and so the applicant must take care not to enter by mistake any sensitive information, which they would prefer to keep private. The applicant agrees that HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk does not accept responsibility for any information, which may be obtained by hackers, or those that seek to misuse the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service. |
20. |
The applicant confirms that he/she is sincere in using the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service for the intended purpose as described on the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk web site and if accepted as a member agrees not to use the service for any other purpose or to promote any other service or product either directly or indirectly. HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk may at its sole discretion (and with reasonable and justifiable reasons) remove or edit any profile or photo which it regards as inappropriate or refuse to publish the profile without giving any reason or prior notice to the member. In this event, no refund of any payments will be made. |
21. |
The applicant agrees that HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk accepts all information provided by its applicants and or members in good faith and cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the profiles subsequently displayed on its web- site or for the outcome of any subsequent meetings between its members. By using the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service, the member acknowledges that we carry out only limited background checks of its members. HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk only encourages its members to meet under conditions which have been arranged by us and with our knowledge. In any event, any meeting between HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk members should be made with members exercising all the commonsense precautions they would normally employ when meeting somebody they do not know for the first time. A member using the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service does so on the understanding that HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk cannot and do not guarantee that their interest in any particular member on the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk site will be reciprocated. The member accepts that HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk cannot guarantee compatibility between its members in terms of language or personality. Contact details (where applicable) are provided for the sole purpose of contacting our woman members with a view of establishing a relationship. |
22. |
Whilst every effort is taken to exclude those who wish to abuse the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service, the applicant agrees that HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk cannot accept responsibility for the behavior of its members. |
23. |
The member can terminate his or her membership at any time by notifying us accordingly by e-mail at admin@HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk and at the member's request; his or her profile will be deleted from the records and web site of HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk. |
24. |
If the member terminates his membership or causes HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk to terminate his membership due to non-compliance with the terms of this agreement then no unused portion of the membership fee shall be refunded. |
25. |
Membership is not transferable. |
26. |
HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk does not accept liability for any loss (consequential or otherwise) sustained by the member or any third party because of the member's use of the service, or as the result of any administrative error or omission by HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk or because of any failure in the operation of the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk web site.The liability of HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk to the member or any third party in any other event resulting from whatever cause shall not exceed £1 (one pound). |
27. |
If the member causes HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk to incur any expense, claims, penalties, damages legal or otherwise or causes HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk to be sued as a result of providing the service to the member then the member will fully indemnify HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk for all such expenses or losses resulting there from. Such indemnity shall include but is not limited to any losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including legal fees) sustained by HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk relating to an inadvertent breach of copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or other rights of any third party in respect of data or photographs which the member submits to the site. In addition the member will pay HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk interest at a daily rate of 2 % above the Bank of England base rate for all outstanding monies owed until HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk have been fully reimbursed. |
28. |
If any amount owed by a member to HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk remains outstanding then HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk reserves the right to suspend the service to the member until the amount owed has been fully paid. |
29. |
If any member breaches these terms and conditions HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk reserve the right to terminate this Agreement and the applicant's use of the service, which will include the removal of his or her profile. In such event, the applicant shall not be entitled to a full or partial refund of the membership fee paid (if any). |
30. |
The member agrees not to copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, or sell any information from this web site. |
31. |
The applicant agrees not to advertise to other members any products or services through the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service. The applicant further agrees not to transmit any chain letters or junk e-mail to other members or to post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. |
32. |
The applicant agrees to accept e-mail notifications from HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk, which are relevant to his or her use of the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk service. |
33. |
The applicant acknowledges that opinions, advice, statements, offers or other information or content made available through the HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk web site by third parties are those of their respective authors and should not necessarily be relied upon. The applicant further acknowledges that it is the third party author who is solely responsible for such content. |
34. |
By making use of this web site, the member is deemed to have read and agreed to these terms and conditions as confirmed on the application form. |
35. |
Unless any visitor or member has entered into an express written contract with this website to the contrary, visitors, viewers, subscribers, members, affiliates, or customers have no right to use any information contained in this website in any commercial or public setting; they have no right to broadcast it, copy it, save it, print it, sell it, or publish any portions of the content of this website. By viewing the contents of this website you agree this condition of viewing and you acknowledge that any unauthorized use is unlawful and may subject you to civil or criminal penalties.This includes its databases, invisible pages, linked pages, underlying code, or any other intellectual property the site may contain. All visitors, guests or members accepts that they agree that accepting this provision is a condition of viewing and that viewing is a condition of acceptance. |
36. |
This website and its contents are owned or licensed by the website. Material contained on the website must be presumed to be copyrighted.Visitors have no rights whatsoever in the site content. Use of website content for any reason is unlawful unless it is done with express contract or permission of the website. |
37. |
The website assumes no responsibility for damage to computers or software of the visitor or any person the visitor subsequently communicates with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to the visitor's computer. |
38. |
Any disagreement concerning this agreement and its terms will be governed by laws of England and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts. |
Contact information: admin@happycouplematch.co.uk
These terms and conditions were updated on 24th May, 2018.
© These terms and conditions are used under license and the copywrite is owned by HappyCoupleMatch.Co.Uk.